Monday, May 10, 2010

Cats aren’t killed for high school dissection

I agree with animal rights to but the cat dies naturally and the owner says if he/she will like the cat to go to science or not they don’t kill the cats for high school students.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Cat disection

Overall, the whole disecting of cats is gross. I feel that it is wrong against nature, and killing cats for a simple science class to learn about the body of a cat is a crime. I am totally against disection of cats.

Cat Dissections

I completly agree with you innocent cats should not be killed just so some high school students can dissect them. I don't even like cats , but this article makes me feel bad for them. I think they shoud just get rid of cat dissections in schools all together and just have virtual cat dissections online. So no cat dies and students don't have to dissect a cat.

Cats For The Win!

Cats have feelings too!=]

Cat Disections

I disagree with cat disections, because there aren't necessary adn there are ways around it. U.S. pounds in states with the seizure law can try to better advertise cat adoptions, and try to sell the cats, if not to peopel, than to other animal shelters/pounds. Schools should try to find alternatives to cat disections, like fake cats or computer programs, where students can get the same experience without harming any animals. Besides, some kids in those classes don't WANT to disect cats, but sometimes have to in order to pass the class. As for animal experimentation/disection, it shouldn't allowed. Places that experiment on these animals are taking away someone's pet, and some animal's life. Cat disections shouldn't be allowed, and the cruelty should stop.

Cat Disections

Well, I agree with this blog about cat dissections because it is animal cruelty. Many people have cats as pets and would hate to see their cat being dissected. Their are many other animal choices in Biology instead of cats. There is the traditional worm and frog dissection. Not many people would like to see fluffly being cut in half

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I feel as if cats should not be disected due to the fact that they are pets that people have in their homes and consider a part of their family. In most classes if you dont disect the cat, you fail the class or fail on that "lab". It is wrong because most who do own cats wouldn't want to disect something they go home too and play with