Thursday, May 6, 2010

Cat Disections

I disagree with cat disections, because there aren't necessary adn there are ways around it. U.S. pounds in states with the seizure law can try to better advertise cat adoptions, and try to sell the cats, if not to peopel, than to other animal shelters/pounds. Schools should try to find alternatives to cat disections, like fake cats or computer programs, where students can get the same experience without harming any animals. Besides, some kids in those classes don't WANT to disect cats, but sometimes have to in order to pass the class. As for animal experimentation/disection, it shouldn't allowed. Places that experiment on these animals are taking away someone's pet, and some animal's life. Cat disections shouldn't be allowed, and the cruelty should stop.

1 comment:

  1. shpanks. i really appreciate the things that you said and i completely agree.
